Friday, September 9, 2011

"YOU", A Poem

Raindrops like tiny arrows fell,

Piercing my skin, entering my deepest darkest hell.

Dousing my internal inferno, softening my heart to a mushy pulp,

I am reborn, no reason to sulk.

Every time i see YOU, my heart skips a beat,

I feel a tingle from my neck to my feet.

I am happy again, i am free,

I was blind and now i can finally see.

YOU are my biggest strength, my strongest link,

Without YOU in my life, i'd probably sink,

A life without YOU, i cannot imagine,

A day without YOU, is punishment for my sins.

YOU are my raindrops, YOU are my arrows,

YOU give me reasons to live for my tomorrows.


  1. i never knew u were this good at writing poems..just keep them coming as I am gonna visit ur blog everyday now..mwahhs !

  2. YAAY:) ur the best :* :) im currenbtly wokin on a poem dedicated to my mum...will pout it up soon

  3. good lord..!! evrytime i read tis i actually feel a tingle frm my neck to my feet <3
